Quick answers to common UVM OLLI questions

Never stop learning
Founded in 2003 with support from the Bernard Osher Foundation, UVM’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offers affordable, enriching education for Vermonters aged 50+. As part of a network of 120+ OLLIs, UVM OLLI operates in seven Vermont locations, offering both in-person and online programs led by UVM faculty and local experts. Explore Chittenden County programs via Campus Programs or find statewide options at Statewide Programs.
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Quick answers to common UVM OLLI questions
Online and In-person programs within the Greater Burlington area.
In addition to Campus OLLI, UVM OLLI extends to six other locations across Vermont: Central VT, Lamoille, St. Johnsbury, St. Albans, Springfield, and Rutland.
Let us know what idea you have for an OLLI program! Fill out this form to submit your idea to us.
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Support UVM OLLI to keep our programs affordable, attract top instructors, and enrich Vermont’s community through lifelong learning.
Help develop curriculum, become a classroom ambassador, help us fundraise, or volunteer other skills.
Stay tuned for future OLLI travel opportunities!
Learn more about the OLLI staff.
Sign up to receive OLLI emails and you’ll receive updates on workshops, new programs, and stories about OLLI members and instructors in the OLLI community, and more!
OLLI at UVM is grateful to our area sponsors and partners who help us through their financial contributions and programming support.
Sponsorships helps us overcome geographic challenges, technology barriers, and social isolation by supporting vibrant online and in-person programs statewide.
For registration questions, please call 802-656-8407 or email noncredit@uvm.edu.
We would like to dedicate the first edition of our OLLI newsletter to Cathi Cody-Hudson, who has recently retired after 41 years with UVM’s Professional and Continuing Education. She played a strong role in OLLI’s history, growth, and success. She was the OLLI statewide administrator from (2009-2014) and served as the OLLI Director 9 years (2014-2023). We are grateful for her tireless and fearless dedication to the OLLI COMMUNITY over the years.
Campus OLLI is based in the Greater Burlington Area. Membership is required each semester (spring, summer and fall), along with any additional class fees. There are 25-35 programs offered each semester. Campus OLLI offers both online and in-person programs.
Statewide OLLI is based in 6 locations across Vermont: Central Vermont, Lamoille Valley, Rutland, Springfield, St. Albans and St. Johnsbury. Each site has a unique membership structure, programming and number of sessions. Statewide OLLI sites offer in-person programming in Spring and Fall. Visit the Statewide OLLI page for more information.
Campus OLLI membership is $15 ($12 for AARP/UVM affiliates). Program cost varies.
Statewide OLLI membership cost varies among the 6 sites. Visit the Statewide OLLI website to view a breakdown of site membership costs and presentations offered. Individual presentations cost $8 at all Statewide OLLI sites.
Campus OLLI programs are located online and in-person in the Greater Burlington Area. We host classes on the UVM Campus, and in community locations including Essex, Burlington, Shelburne, Charlotte and Milton. Exact class locations will be provided when you register.
Statewide OLLI programs are all in-person and are based in 6 locations across Vermont. Visit the Statewide OLLI website to see each meeting location.
Campus OLLI programs range from 1-6 sessions.
Statewide OLLI sites offer 6 – 11 presentations per semester. Visit the Statewide OLLI website to see the exact number offered at each location per semester.
Campus OLLI opens registration at the following times:
Statewide OLLI sites aim to open registration at least 6 weeks before the first program date.
If you require an accommodation related to a disability, please contact Accessibility Services at access@uvm.edu, or (802) 656-7753.
Our target audience is adults, age 50+, but anyone who is 18 and older is welcome to attend our programs.
Sometimes, due to bad weather, instructor illness, or another unforeseen circumstance, we must cancel a class. This rarely occurs. If a class is cancelled, you will be notified via email.
For registration questions, call 802-656-8407 or email noncredit@uvm.edu
Have a question? Reach out to our team. We’re dedicated to helping you access OLLI at UVM.
Email OLLIOLLI Director
OLLI Program Manager
OLLI Program Coordinator
Lead Ambassador for OLLI
OLLI Communication
Sign up to receive OLLI emails and you’ll receive updates on workshops, stories about OLLI members and instructors in the OLLI community, and more.