
Statewide OLLI At-a-Glance

If you would like to participate in any of the statewide locations, please see the information in the grid below and become a Statewide OLLI member today!

Site NameMeeting LocationPrograms Offered
(per semester)
Membership Cost
Central VermontMontpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC)
58 Barre Street, Montpelier, VT
Savoy Theater
26 Main Street, Montpelier, VT
11 total programs:
8 programs
3 film showings
Lamoille ValleyStowe Cinema 3Plex
454 Mountain Rd, Stowe, VT
Rutland Godnick Adult Center
1 Deer Street, Rutland, VTst
SpringfieldNolin Murray Center
38 Pleasant Street, Springfield, VT
St. AlbansGreg Brown Lodge
179 Congress Street, St. Albans, VT
St. JohnsburyCatamount Arts
115 Eastern Ave, St Johnsbury, VT

Statewide Membership

Vermont OLLI Reciprocal Memberships

Once you become a member in your local statewide OLLI, you are entitled to attend programs at the six UVM statewide OLLIs (Central VT, Lamoille Valley, Rutland, Springfield, St. Albans and St. Johnsbury) throughout Vermont.

Your active Statewide OLLI membership also entitles you to register and pay for Campus OLLI programs with the Campus OLLI membership fee waived.

Registration Process

We can no longer take any payments at the door/onsite. All attendees/members must pre-register prior to the start of the program.

Have a question? Reach out to our team. We’re dedicated to helping you access OLLI at UVM.

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OLLI Sponsors and Partners

OLLI at UVM is grateful to our area sponsors and partners who help us through their financial contributions and programming support.